
There are the homebodies and the wanderers. The stay-at-homes and the adventurers. The cautious and the bold. – We probably belong to the second category, and the fact that you've opened this book could be a compelling indication that you’re on our team too. Yes, out there you’ll get scraped knees, grazed elbows, and homesickness, but still, we always have to venture out, following our nose, with a big dose of wanderlust as our compass. Sound exhausting? – Maybe a little story will help you reconcile with your inner rolling stone: There’s said to be a species of deep-sea worm that is constantly moving as it grows up, searching for the perfect spot on the ocean floor. Once it finds that spot, it begins to digest its brain, reducing itself to its vegetative nervous system, focused only on eating and excreting. So, one could say: those who move, think. Those who are no longer on the road no longer need their brain; they become a gullet.

  • Please don’t apply this metaphor to your nice neighbor who’s quietly watering the geraniums on his balcony in a state of Hygge bliss, preparing for peaceful days in his four walls. The worm story is just for you: the restless spirit, the wandering soul. So you can wink at yourself in the car’s rearview mirror and say: It’s good this way, in the ocean you wouldn’t be a worm, but a gray whale. Thousands of miles there and back again. At CURVES, we know all about this. We’ve been at it for over a decade now and, like gray whales on the roads of this world, have covered an unimaginable number of miles. In fact, we’ve stopped keeping track – the odometer rolled over 99,999 a long time ago and started again from zero. We still savor every mile, every moment. Every valley, every mountain, every curve, and every straightaway in between. But from time to time, we pause and look through the family album of the CURVES community, remembering the truly special moments. Our automotive companions and the people we’ve met along the way. It may have been a while ago when someone tried to put us to the test, asking: What’s the point of CURVES – a car magazine without cars, or a travel book without arriving? – Of course, we gladly shared our wisdom with this seeker of meaning, but to this day, we don’t know if our explanation took root. So, we dedicate this edition of CURVES to our doubters: PORSCHE CURVES is CURVES with cars and with destinations. A portrait of the best and most exciting Porsches we've come to know during our recent months of travel, at the power points of being on the move.

  • In this PORSCHE CURVES, you will encounter legends from the 1950s, classics from the seventies and eighties, right up to the glorious Porsche high-tech machines of today. Sometimes all naturally traveling together in the same convoy – because there is a bloodline connecting the Porsche 550 Spyder, 914/6, 930 Turbo, 928, Cayenne, 918 Spyder, and the current 911 Dakar that makes Porsche what it is. By the way, you don’t need to translate the Porsche spirit – even though it’s typically German in its dry, unpretentious style, it’s understandable in any culture. We’ve seen it ourselves all around the globe: the community speaks Porsche, from the USA to Iceland to New Zealand, from Patagonia to Singapore. The passion for Porsche is the same everywhere. This collection of snapshots is packed with intensity: We start in the crystal-clear light of the north, where a car named "Dakar" shows in Iceland that Porsche also has a hot answer to the cold questions of the ice desert. And then the Alps, our living room and eternal favorite space, the mountains where CURVES was born and still feels at home. Patagonia has become a powerful blood brother to our great Alpine drives; the journey in the off-road Cayenne over gravel paths to the glaciers of the south still circles through our daydreams. Split-second memories born from piercing wanderlust – on the pages of this PORSCHE CURVES edition, we relive.

  • In diesem Rhythmus geht es weiter, auf kleine Fluchten und Reisen in die Postkarte folgen epische Fahrten. Im Norden und Süden, bei schwüler Hitze und Monsunregen, bei trockener Kälte. Rennstrecken hatten wir unter den Rädern, kurvige Inselstraßen auf Sardinien und Korsika, aber auch den glühenden Asphalt der Millionenstädte in Südostasien. Vietnam im 911 GT3 RS und dann der 918 Spyder am Sustenpass – wenn das kein Spannungsbogen ist, der unser Thema ausgezeichnet unterstreicht. Also, nochmal von vorn: Es gibt Daheimbleiber und Herumtreiber, Stubenhocker und Abenteurer …